Dynamics 365 Business Central Mini tips: How to start a new line in the description of app.json

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi everyone. First I hope you are well, staying safe and healthy.
Today I want to share a mini tip about how to start a new line in the description of app.json.
First, letā€™s take a look at where this description is used.
Visual Studio Code: app.json

Extension Management: The description will be shown when you try to install or uninstall this extension.

So, if this description is too long and how can you start a new line?
I believe almost developers know that we can use a backslash ā€œ\ā€ to start a new line inĀ Confirm, Error, Message functions.
For example:

MessageLbl:Ā LabelĀ ā€˜RunĀ yourĀ entireĀ businessĀ withĀ aĀ singleĀ solution:StreamlineĀ yourĀ processes,Ā makeĀ smarterĀ decisions,Ā andĀ accelerateĀ growthĀ withĀ DynamicsĀ 365Ā BusinessĀ Centralā€”aĀ comprehensiveĀ businessĀ managementĀ solutionĀ designedĀ forĀ smallĀ toĀ medium-sizedĀ businesses.ā€™;

MessageLbl:Ā LabelĀ ā€˜RunĀ yourĀ entireĀ businessĀ withĀ aĀ singleĀ solution:\StreamlineĀ yourĀ processes,Ā \makeĀ smarterĀ decisions,Ā \andĀ accelerateĀ growthĀ withĀ DynamicsĀ 365Ā BusinessĀ Centralā€”aĀ comprehensiveĀ businessĀ managementĀ solutionĀ designedĀ forĀ smallĀ toĀ medium-sizedĀ businesses.ā€™;

But if you use the same method in the JSON file, an error will be prompted in Visual Studio Code.

You need to replace all ā€œ\ā€ withĀ ā€œ\nā€œ.
For Example:
ā€œdescriptionā€:Ā ā€œRunĀ yourĀ entireĀ businessĀ withĀ aĀ singleĀ solution:\nStreamlineĀ yourĀ processes,Ā \nmakeĀ smarterĀ decisions,Ā \nandĀ accelerateĀ growthĀ withĀ DynamicsĀ 365Ā BusinessĀ Centralā€”aĀ comprehensiveĀ businessĀ managementĀ solutionĀ designedĀ forĀ smallĀ toĀ medium-sizedĀ businesses.ā€

After you reinstall the extension, you will find that the lines has been successfully changed in the description.



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