Business Central 2023 wave 1 (BC22) new features: Drag and drop files onto the file upload dialog

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi, Readers.
The public preview for Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 release wave 1 (BC22) is available. Learn more: Link.

I will continue to test and share some new features that I hope will be helpful.

Drag and drop files onto the file upload dialog:

Business value:
Business processes often require documents or other files to be captured as part of the system of record. When your file is already at hand, you can save time by dragging that file onto the file upload dialog in Business Central, instead of the more cumbersome navigating through folders in a file picker window. Drag-and-drop experiences are essential to working efficiently. While this enhancement provides a minor boost to productivity and is a convenient alternative, it also puts Business Central on a path toward broader file upload experiences in future release waves.

In Business Central 2022 wave 2 (BC21), the Attachments FactBox, which contains the files, is available on several additional list pages. More details: Access attachments on additional list pages (Attachments FactBox on more pages)

This time Microsoft has improved the user experience again.

  • The file upload dialog in Business Central has been enhanced with a clear drop area where users can drag and drop a single file.
  • No matter which business process requires uploading of documents, users can choose between dragging a file or using the more traditional file picker.

For example,
Create Incoming Document from File… in Sales Invoice

Company Picture

And you can click “Click here to browser” to open traditional file picker.

This has no property or code control, and works in custom functions as well.

PS: Uploading multiple files is not allowed. Please select only 1 file.

Test Video:

Business Central Launch Event (2023 release wave 1) 


Hope this will help.

Thanks for reading.



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