Business Central 2023 wave 1 (BC22) new features: Select multiple items, mandatory fields in transfer order (Usability improves)

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi, Readers.
The public preview for Dynamics 365 Business Central 2023 release wave 1 (BC22) is available. Learn more: Link.

I will continue to test and share some new features that I hope will be helpful.

Usability improves for transfer order: select multiple items, mandatory fields:

Business value:
Productivity increases when processes run smoothly, so we’ve improved the usability of transfer orders. For example, you can save a step by adding multiple items to the document.

This is another improvement for transfer order.
Let’s see more details.

1. The mandatory fields in the header on transfer orders help clarify how to work with the document. Transfer-from Code, Transfer-to Code, In-Transit Code.

The field is marked on the page with a red asterisk and does not enforce any validation.

Once the field is filled, the red asterisk disappears.

PS: In BC 21.5

2. When you’re creating a transfer order, you can use the Select items action on the Lines FastTab to select and add multiple items to the order.

This is the same as in Sales Order.

PS: In BC 21.5

Very nice! Give it a try!!!😁


Hope this will help.

Thanks for reading.



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