Hi Readers.
This morning I had the honor to read the new blogs of Mr. Stefano Demiliani and Mr. Roberto Stefanetti. They all mentioned the QueryCategory property in the Query Object this time.
MS Docs:
QueryCategory Property
Yes this is quite hidden. In simple terms, it allows the queries to be displayed on the page, so that you can now execute a query object from a page. As we all know that the efficiency of Query is much higher than that of Page, which is a very good feature.
In the standard feature of Business Central:
I once contacted Microsoft to ask if these queries can be translated. Not so far.
I can’t wait to try it.
First I created a new Query. Then the most important setting is QueryCategory Property. You need to specify the name of the page that this Query needs to display.
QueryCategory = 'Vendor List', 'Purchase Order List';
All codes:
query 50100 "ZY Purchase Order Query"
Caption = 'ZY Purchase Order Query';
OrderBy = Descending(Buy_from_Vendor_No_);
QueryCategory = 'Vendor List', 'Purchase Order List';
dataitem(Purchase_Header; "Purchase Header")
column(Buy_from_Vendor_No_; "Buy-from Vendor No.")
column(Buy_from_Vendor_Name; "Buy-from Vendor Name")
column(Order_Date; "Order Date")
column(Amount_Including_VAT; "Amount Including VAT")
dataitem(Purchase_Line; "Purchase Line")
DataItemLink = "Document Type" = Purchase_Header."Document Type",
"Document No." = Purchase_Header."No.";
column(No_; "No.")
column(Description; Description)
column(Quantity; Quantity)
column(Amount; Amount)
dataitem(Item; Item)
DataItemLink = "No." = Purchase_Line."No.";
column(Inventory; Inventory)
Publish it.
Sign in to Business Central. You can immediately execute the query from the specified pages.
Update 2024.12.17: Dynamics 365 Business Central: How to make a query searchable (Add Query to Tell me)
If you are interested, you can also read their blog directly.
Dynamics 365 Business Central: new features for performant code
Business Central Execute Queries from Pages
Hope this will help.