Hello Everyone.
As usual, I checked the new information of Business Central this morning and found a good News for Indian Customers/Partners.
Microsoft has released a preview version of Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2 (BC17) for India in docker.
I checked the Microsoft Docs immediately, and it seems that it has not been updated yet. The last updated region is Vietnam.
Country/regional availability and supported languages
Then I log into the Business Central Admin Center, because last week Microsoft released the Preview version of BC17.
I found IN country, but the version list is empty and I cannot create it. Maybe it is still in preparation.
So let’s go back to Docker and create an IN Region container.
$mylicense = "C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\BC17jp2\my\license.flf"
$oldimagename = Get-BCArtifactUrl -storageAccount bcpublicpreview -country in -select Latest -type Sandbox
$oldcontainer = "BC17INPreview"
if ($credential -eq $null -or $credential -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty) {
$credential = get-credential -UserName $env:USERNAME `
-Message "Please enter your Windows credentials."
New-BcContainer -accept_eula `
-containerName $oldcontainer `
-auth UserPassword `
-credential $credential `
-alwaysPull `
-includeal `
-licensefile $mylicense `
-artifactUrl $oldimagename `
-updateHosts `
-vsixFile (Get-LatestAlLanguageExtensionUrl)`
Pull Start
“Downloading application artifact /sandbox/17.0.16297.0/in”
Login successful.
Version: IN Business Central 17.0 (Platform 17.0.16246.0 + Application 17.0.16297.0)
Saurav Dhyani – #MSDynNAV & #MSDyn365bc: MSDYN365BC
Good News for Indian Customers/Partners.
Hope this will help.