Generally available: Business Central connector enabled in Power BI Dataflows

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi, Readers.
Today I would like to briefly share a new release news, Business Central connector enabled in Power BI Dataflows is generally available.

About two weeks ago, minor update 20.3 for Business Central 2022 release wave 1 has been released! More details: Cumulative Update Summary for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central(July, 2022)

Although not mentioned in What’s new and planned for update 20.3, I saw it on Twitter this morning.

And this feature was generally available on July 11.

Business Central connector enabled in Power BI Dataflows:

Business value:

You can now access data from Business Central in a more seamless and proficient way by creating dataflows that you share across different reports and dashboards.

Feature details:

The Business Central connector is now available in Power Query Online (Power BI Datamarts and Dataflows) so that you can create far more performant and flexible data source configurations, not least when multiple users access or refresh data from Business Central.

In fact, this is a feature that has more votes in Business Central ideas, great work.
Add Business Central as a Data Source in DataFlows

Let’s see more details.

A dataflow is a collection of tables that are created and managed in workspaces in the Power BI service. A table is a set of columns that are used to store data, much like a table within a database. You can add and edit tables in your dataflow, as well as manage data refresh schedules, directly from the workspace in which your dataflow was created.

To create a dataflow, launch the Power BI service in a browser then select a workspace from the nav pane on the left, as shown in the following screen. You can also create a new workspace in which to create your new dataflow.

Now you can see that Dynamics 365 Business Central has been added.

It’s great! Give it a try!!!😁

1. In previous version

2. Dataflows are not available in my-workspace in the Power BI service

More about Create a dataflow using define new tables from MS Docs.

Update from Business Central Launch Event (2022 release wave 2) 


Hope this will help.

Thanks for reading.



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