Dynamics 365 Business Central V18.3: “Contact by Email” and “Sent Emails” on a Contact, Customer, and Vendor

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi, Readers.
Update 18.3 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 1 was available last week.
For more details: Cumulative Update Summary for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central(July, 2021)

And Microsoft brought us many new features this time.

In addition to the new features listed on the What’s new update 18.3, Microsoft has brought us two very handy little updates, “Contact by Email” and “Sent Emails” on a Contact, Customer, and Vendor.

Information from Mr. Jesper on twitter.

Let’s see some more details.
For example, in BC V18.2, you cannot send emails directly and view the sent emails on the customer.

In BC V18.3, “Contact by Email” and “Sent Emails” have been added.

Same on the customer card.

Test video: First you must set up your email account in Business Central.

1. On other pages.
Contact List:

Contact Card:

Vendor List:

Vendor Card:

Source code in Base Application:

2. You can also refer to the base application and add “Contact by Email” and “Sent Emails” to other pages.
For example, on Users (9800, List) page

Source Code:

pageextension 50123 ZYUsersExt extends Users
        addafter("Update users from Office")
                ApplicationArea = All;
                Caption = 'Contact by Email';
                Image = Email;
                Promoted = true;
                PromotedCategory = Process;
                ToolTip = 'Send an email to this customer.';

                trigger OnAction()
                    Email: Codeunit Email;
                    EmailMessage: Codeunit "Email Message";
                    EmailMessage.Create(Rec."Contact Email", '', '', true);
                    Email.AddRelation(EmailMessage, Database::User, Rec.SystemId, Enum::"Email Relation Type"::"Primary Source");

                ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                Caption = 'Sent Emails';
                Image = ShowList;
                Promoted = true;
                PromotedCategory = Process;
                ToolTip = 'View a list of emails that you have sent to this customer.';

                trigger OnAction()
                    Email: Codeunit Email;
                    Email.OpenSentEmails(Database::User, Rec.SystemId);

Update: “Contact by Email” in fields with ExtendedDatatype “EMail”


Hope this will help.

Thanks for reading.



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