Dynamics 365 Business Central: Define default location for sales or purchase

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi, Readers.
Today I would like to talk about how to define default location for sales or purchase in Business Central. This is a question I sometimes see in the Business Central Forum. For example, where does the Location Code in the sales header/sales line populate from?

Locations are places such as warehouses where you buy, store, or sell items. Business Central uses locations to help keep track of inventory in both simple and complex warehouse processes.
This may sound simple, but there are a few settings that affect the default Location Code. Let’s see more details.

1. Location Code on the Comapny Information page

This setting will apply to both Sales Documents and Purchase Documents. Below is an example of Sales Order
Test video:

2. Location Code on the Customer Card/Vendor Card page

This is the most general setting, the Location Code set in the master data will be automatically added to the Sales/Purchase Header and then automatically applied to the Line. For example,

This can be confirmed when selecting customers.

In the Sales Header:

In the Sales Line:

3. Location Code on the Ship-to Address page

If you have set a default Ship-to Code or modified the Ship-to Code on the order, the Location Code in the Ship-to Address will be used as the default location.
PS: Dynamics 365 Business Central: Set up default ship-to addresses

For example,

4. Location Code on the Responsibility Center page

This is similar to Ship-to Address. As long as the Responsibility Center is set, the Location Code of the Responsibility Center will be used as the default.

For example,

The priority so far is Ship-to Address (SILVER) > Customer (MAIN) -> Responsibility Center (WEST)-> Company Information (EAST)
Test video:

Very simple, give it a try!!!😁

1. If you manually change the Location Code in the Header, this will not automatically update the lines.

You have changed Location Code on the sales header, but it has not been changed on the existing sales lines. You must update the existing sales lines manually.

2. How to set up the Location mandatory and Bin mandatory in Dynamics 365 Business Central

3. Business Central 2024 wave 1 (BC24): Define default location for project or project phase


Hope this will help.

Thanks for reading.



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