Dynamics 365 Business Central: Why are custom actions not displayed? (Can’t view custom action/button)

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Hi, Readers.
Today I would like to briefly talk about a qustion I saw in the Dynamics 365 Community last week, why are custom actions not displayed. More details: Action from page extension is not showing (dynamics.com)

The page actions are displayed on the header section. There are multiple tabs to help navigate to the right item.

In order to add actions to the action bar, you must use the keywords with Anchors or Targets. These keywords are used to place and move the actions around in the tab groups. For more information about adding, moving, and modifying actions, see Using keywords to place actions and controls.

KeywordsSyntaxApplies to
addfirstaddfirst(Anchor)Anchor: areas and groups
addlastaddlast(Anchor)Anchor: areas and groups
addafteraddafter(Anchor)Anchor: controls, actions, and groups
addbeforeaddbefore(Anchor)Anchor: controls, actions, and groups
movefirstmovefirst(Anchor; Target1, Target2)Anchor: area, group
Target: list of actions or list of controls
movelastmovelast(Anchor; Target1, Target2)Anchor: area, group
Target: list of actions or list of controls
moveaftermoveafter(Anchor; Target1, Target2)Anchor: controls, actions, and groups
Target: list of actions or list of controls
movebeforemovebefore(Anchor; Target1, Target2)Anchor: controls, actions, and groups
Target: list of actions or list of controls
modifymodify(Target)Target: controls, actions, and groups

Let’s look at a simple example.


PS: Actions on Request Page are not supported in NAV and Business Central. More details: Dynamics 365 Business Central: How to add “actions (buttons)” on Request Page of Report/XMLport

But what are the reasons why the custom action is not displayed? There are several possibilities.

1. Check whether the ApplicationArea Property is set.

ApplicationArea Property: Sets the application areas that apply to the control. Standard values are All, Basic, Suite, and Advanced.

In the Application Area page you can see what is displayed in the User interface.

So if the custom action does not set the ApplicationArea Property, or sets a non-display value, the user will not be able to see the action.

PS: Business Central 2022 wave 2 (BC21): ApplicationArea on fields defaults to page value

2. Check the Visible Property

Visible Property: Sets whether to display the page or control.

If the Visible Property is set to false, the action will not be displayed on the page. But it can be displayed through features such as Personalization.

Note that this property can be set using a variable or a formula. For example,


Note that in this case, the action will only be displayed if the conditions are met. More details: Dynamics 365 Business Central: Hide and show actions dynamically

3. Check if any processing is performed in the action

If there is nothing running in the action, such as OnAction (Action) trigger or RunObject Property, the action will not be displayed.
PS: Dynamics 365 Business Central: Run code in an action without using the OnAction trigger (RunObject, RunPageLink, RunPageMode, RunPageView, and RunPageOnRec)

4. Maybe the action is already displayed, but there are so many standard actions that it is difficult to find.

The reason for this is mainly related to the position of the custom actions. We have discussed this point before and will not go into detail here.
More details:
1. Dynamics 365 Business Central: What is Promoted action and How to Promote action?

2. Business Central 2022 wave 2 (BC21): Promoted action groups, action references, and ShowAs Property (New Modern Action Bar)

In the Tell me, the On current page section lets you find actions on the page you have open. For example, if the Sales Quote page is open and you type “customer,” the section includes an action that opens the Customer Card page for the customer chosen on the sales quote.

Other examples:

More details: Find an action on the current page

The list includes only actions that are available on the navigation bar at the top of the page. Actions on FastTabs aren’t included.

That’s all, hope this helps if you encounter this problem.


Hope this will help.

Thanks for reading.



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