Hi, Readers.
Today I would like to talk about an interesting topic, how to get the full version text in Help & Support via AL.
From the Help pane, you can access the Help & Support page inside Business Central that includes helpful links.
On the Troubleshooting section, you can find the most complete version information for the current environment. For example,
Version: W1 24.2 (Platform 24.0.21458.0 + Application 24.2.20227.20460)
Version: US Business Central 24.2 (Platform 24.0.21364.0 + Application 24.2.20227.20460)
The numbers are updated based on Microsoft’s builds. In the default version of Business Central online, platform and application have the same major version number but different build numbers.
The following list describes the meaning of each of the numbers in a full version number:
is the major version of Business Central24
is the Business Central 2024 release wave 1 update in April 2024 and forward23
is the Business Central 2023 release wave 2 update in October 2023 and forward22
is the Business Central 2023 release wave 1 update in April 2023 and forward21
is the Business Central 2022 release wave 2 update in October 2022 and forward20
is the Business Central 2022 release wave 1 update in April 2022 and forward19
is the Business Central 2021 release wave 2 update in October 2021 and forward18
is the Business Central 2021 release wave 1 update in April 2021 and forward17
is the Business Central 2020 release wave 2 update in October 2020 and forward16
is the Business Central 2020 release wave 1 update in April 2020 and forward15
is the Business Central 2019 release wave 2 update in October 2019 and forward14
is the Business Central April 2019 release13
is the Business Central October 2018 release12
is the April 2018 launch of Business Central
is the monthly update number, such as 0, 1, or 5.build
is the five digit build number, such as 23456.revision
is set to 0 for the original release and can remain at 0. However, if the tenant is patched with a hotfix, then that build number can be applied.
In other words, if you see a version number such as 20.1.23456.26323
, then it means major version 20, update number 1, build number 23456, and hotfix number 26323. More details: Version numbers in Business Central
The first question is, can this information be obtained in AL? (Help & Support page is a system page. We don’t have access to its standard code)
Yes, this time we can use codeunit 9015 “Application System Constants”. Let’s look at a simple example.
Test code:
pageextension 50201 CustomerListExt extends "Customer List"
trigger OnOpenPage()
AppSysConstants: Codeunit "Application System Constants";
VersionInfo: Label 'Version info:\\Application Version is ''%1''.\\The Build File Version is ''%2''.\\The Application Build is ''%3''.\\The Build Branch is ''%4''.\\The Platform Production Version is ''%5''.\\The Platform File Version is ''%6''.';
Message(VersionInfo, AppSysConstants.ApplicationVersion(), AppSysConstants.BuildFileVersion(), AppSysConstants.ApplicationBuild(),
AppSysConstants.BuildBranch(), AppSysConstants.PlatformProductVersion(), AppSysConstants.PlatformFileVersion());
So we can use the following three functions.
1. procedure ApplicationVersion()
2. procedure PlatformFileVersion()
3. procedure BuildFileVersion() – The version number here may be greater than that shown on the Help & Support page, so it can be understood that this is the latest one.
Let’s look at another example.
Test code:
pageextension 50201 CustomerListExt extends "Customer List"
trigger OnOpenPage()
ApplicationSystemConstants: Codeunit "Application System Constants";
Msg: Label 'Version: %1 (Platform %2 + Application %3)';
Message(Msg, ApplicationSystemConstants.ApplicationVersion(), ApplicationSystemConstants.PlatformFileVersion(), ApplicationSystemConstants.BuildFileVersion());
Okay, so when can this be used? As you know, partners or customers have the authority to set the update date and update time for Major and Minor Updates. But build update and revision update are pushed by Microsoft, and we don’t know when the environment is updated (Bug fix or Security Updates). Using this method, you can record the version number regularly, such as every day, or every half a day. We can create a table to save the data, a codeunit to record the data, and then set it in the Job Queue. Here is a simple example.
Then I set it up in the Job Queue and ran it twice.
There was a version change yesterday.
Great. Give it a try!!!😁
Source code: Github (Please note that the source code is for reference only, you can improve it according to your own needs)
codeunit 50200 "Record version history"
trigger OnRun()
ZYVersionHistory: Record "ZY Version History";
LastUsedEntryNo: Integer;
ApplicationSystemConstants: Codeunit "Application System Constants";
Msg: Label '%1 (Platform %2 + Application %3)';
LastVersion: Text[100];
LastUsedEntryNo := 0;
LastVersion := '';
ZYVersionHistory.SetCurrentKey("Entry No.");
if ZYVersionHistory.FindLast() then begin
LastUsedEntryNo := ZYVersionHistory."Entry No.";
LastVersion := ZYVersionHistory.Version;
ZYVersionHistory."Entry No." := LastUsedEntryNo + 1;
ZYVersionHistory.Version := StrSubstNo(Msg, ApplicationSystemConstants.ApplicationVersion(), ApplicationSystemConstants.PlatformFileVersion(), ApplicationSystemConstants.BuildFileVersion());
ZYVersionHistory.Date := Today;
if ZYVersionHistory.Version = LastVersion then
ZYVersionHistory.Updated := false
ZYVersionHistory.Updated := true;
end else begin
ZYVersionHistory."Entry No." := 1;
ZYVersionHistory.Version := StrSubstNo(Msg, ApplicationSystemConstants.ApplicationVersion(), ApplicationSystemConstants.PlatformFileVersion(), ApplicationSystemConstants.BuildFileVersion());
ZYVersionHistory.Date := Today;
ZYVersionHistory.Updated := false;
table 50200 "ZY Version History"
DataClassification = CustomerContent;
Caption = 'ZY Version History';
field(1; "Entry No."; Integer)
Caption = 'Entry No.';
field(2; Version; Text[100])
Caption = 'Version';
field(3; Date; Date)
Caption = 'Date';
field(4; Updated; Boolean)
Caption = 'Updated';
key(PK; "Entry No.")
Clustered = true;
page 50200 "ZY Version History"
Caption = 'ZY Version History';
PageType = List;
UsageCategory = Lists;
ApplicationArea = All;
SourceTable = "ZY Version History";
Editable = false;
InsertAllowed = false;
DeleteAllowed = false;
ModifyAllowed = false;
field("Entry No."; Rec."Entry No.")
ApplicationArea = All;
field(Version; Rec.Version)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(Date; Rec.Date)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(Updated; Rec.Updated)
ApplicationArea = All;
Hope this will help.
Thanks for reading.